Future-proofed charging

Ensure that your solution not only meets your needs today but also in the future

When is a charging solution future-proof?

Future-proofed charge solutions means that your charge station supports the mobility and functionality needs that are relevant to you – both now and in the future. And that the physical equipment itself is produced in a high quality and has a long life span.

It is important that the electrical installation is carried out and properly dimensioned from the start, so that you easily can expand your solution with multiple charging stations when required.

Another important thing to consider is that the charge station is connected to an operational backend system and that relevant information can be exchanged between the charge station and the backend system in realtime. Relevant information can be:

  • Status of the charge station, price and accessibility.
  • Access control to prevent misuse of the charge station
  • Charger and user ID to handle relevant product selection
  • Error notifications and online corrections
  • Actual charge consumption in order to optimise the speed of charging and charging options.
  • The need for charging immediately versus delayed and optimized charging when the energy prices are low
  • Current status of the power grid to enable frequency regulation services between electric car, charge stations and power grid

Customise and scale your solution

However, you might not need all these advanced options at first when you invest in a charging solution for your electric car – but we make it possible for you to use these options the day you need. Spirii makes it easy and inexpensive for you to customise and scale your solution over time.

Last but not least, we make sure that your charging solution is future proof in the sense that you own the charge station and are able to switch to another operator if, one day, you do not want to cooperate with us anymore.

We are happy to help you create an overview and define your needs – and together we will find the solution that suits you the best.

Open Charge Point Protocol

The exchange of information between charge stations and backend systems is today standardised by a communication protocol called Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP). The development of OCPP is conducted jointly by a European organisation called the OCA (Open Charge Alliance) and is currently widely adopted throughout Europe in version 1.5, although version 1.6 is also implemented by most major operators as of now.

However, it is at least equally important that the charge stations are able to communicate in version 1.6. At Spirii, we are fully compliant to version 1.6. Our solutions enables us to easily upgrade and distribute new OCPP versions when they are ready on the market which means that our customers will not have to make additional costly investments in upgrades.

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