Environmental, Social and Governance Policy

Learn how we’re taking our environmental, social, and governance promises seriously – and why planetary commitments are baked into everything we do.

The ABCs of ESG

A long-term commitment to sustainability, transparency, and ethical accountability.

As a driving force for eco-friendly infrastructure, it’ll come as no surprise that sustainability is at the very core of our business. But Spirii’s ethical commitments don’t start and stop with the environment – far from it.

In fact, we’ve also made a raft of proactive social and ethical commitments that, together, form our ironclad Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy.

We like to hold ourselves to pretty high standards. Everywhere Spirii operates, we adhere strictly to the regulations that make a positive impact on the planet and its people – including the UN Global Compact, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Our full ESG policy, which you can read below, details the processes and safeguards we have in place to help drive that positive change at every level of the business, from top to bottom.

Whether that’s careful supply chain monitoring, a strong focus on staff wellbeing, or full legal accountability, everyone at Spirii is dedicated to leaving the planet in a better shape than we found it.

Download our ESG policy here

Our Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Partners