Spirii named World’s Best GreenTech Startup!

How we joined a packed roster of the best burgeoning brands and emerging experts and took home the gold (when it comes to going green).

Here at Spirii, we don’t like to toot our own horn, but we do feel like we’ve accomplished a lot in a pretty short space of time.

Our (relatively) small but dedicated team has been working their socks off since 2019 to grow a network of EV charge stations across the world, a portfolio of amazing business partners, and an intelligent platform built to back it all up.

It’s all been in service of one goal: to help take EV charging from ‘emerging trend’ to ‘everyday norm’, to make our communities and roadways more sustainable for future generations.

So, it’s incredible to have all that hard work validated by being awarded Best Green Tech Startup at the 2023 Global Startup Awards!

An inspiring mission

Now in its ninth year, the Global Startup Awards are, well… Exactly what the name suggests.

It’s an independent competition designed to find and celebrate the very best fledgling companies from around the world, across a range of sectors.

In fact, the GSAs are “the largest independent startup ecosystem competition” on the planet, with a framework that looks for category winners in a bunch of regional territories, before asking a jury of seven industry experts to choose their overall, global winners.  

And that’s exactly what we managed to do; we beat some incredible competition from eight local territories to take home theGlobal Green Startup gong.

And why did we win? Well here's some words from the jury:

“Spirii was given the highest score because they have accelerated the transition towards electric vehicles, which is an inevitable and global market trend. Spirii’s mission is inspiring because it involves creating a greener planet through green mobility.”

Stop it; you’re gonna make us blush!

And the winners are…

Spirii took home the Best Green Tech Award amidst some pretty fierce competition, but the win also meant we were rubbing shoulders at the awards with some of the best, brightest, and most forward-thinking companies the world over. 

Here’s how things shook out on the night:

Petra Wolkenstein | Austria | Ecosystem Hero of the Year

Cerebra | Kazakhstan | Best VerTech

Spirii | Denmark | Best Green Tech

Sarah Qureshi | Pakistan | Founder of The Year

Bower | Sweden | People’s Choice

Startup wise guy | Lithuania | Best Accelerator

Kubik | Kenya | Best Startup of the Year

Congrats to everyone who made it to the finals! You can find out more about each finalist  – and what makes them so awesome – right here.

Just the beginning

Winning this award (and being handed the prize by Danish Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Morten Bødskov) was a fantastic milestone and achievement for us.

But really, this is just the beginning for the Spirii team and our collective aim to make driving and charging EVs simpler and smarter, every single day.

"Our vision with Spirii is to liberate and accelerate the EV charging market, and to do so across industries and markets by enabling multiple players to take part in the transition towards sustainable transportation,"

says our CEO and co-founder Tore Harritshøj and adds:

“And that, in turn, means mitigating some of the biggest challenges of our time: air pollution and climate change. So this award is a substantial milestone on our continued quest.”

What that means in practice is that we’ll continue to innovate, learn, and grow. And that includes pushing our burgeoning partnership program so that our positive impact on the planet can stretch out across even more territories.

Watch this space!

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