Raise your operational efficiency with Spirii API

The Spirii API enables you to integrate crucial EV charging data into your existing systems, enhancing their functionality, flexibility, and efficiency.

With Spirii API you can easily integrate with systems you already use, including CRMs, ERP, BI tools, websites, payment solutions, and billing systems. These integrations allow you to develop automated processes and unify your data sources– allowing you to concentrate on what’s most important: your customers.

Easily integrate with the systems you already have

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface – it’s how applications can share data and work together.

The Spirii API is a tool that enables you to access and interact with your own data from the Spirii platform more efficiently. Likewise, using our API means that any data that you get from Spirii can also be used across your other systems to bring extra value to your business operations.

Spirii API integration examples include:

  • Generating financial reports and exporting them directly into your third-party systems
  • Calculating energy consumption for more precise customer billing
  • Displaying locations that you own on your website
  • Efficiently managing your charger inventory across various systems, eliminating unnecessary duplication of work
  • Connecting your own webshop to seamlessly onboard customers across platforms
  • And much more…

The Spirii API enables you to automate processes, save time, improve analytics, and decrease admin work. In other words? Employ the transformative power of Spirii's robust API offering and you’ll massively enhance your operational efficiency.

What are your business needs?

What kind of improvements are you looking for when running your business?

To give you an idea of what’s possible with the Spirii API, we’ve put together a few real-world examples…

Smarter reporting

If you generate periodical reports on a specific part of your business – for example, financial reporting on the first of every month – your finance team needs access to specific data points, on time.

With the Spirii API, you can select only the data points essential for each report, fetch that information, create a customized report suitable for your financial needs, and automatically send it to the right people at the right time.

In-depth analytics

You need more granular operational insight. For example, you might be unsure which locations are driving the most revenue, or you may lack a clear overview of your pricing components, voucher discounts, etc.

Data is a potent decision-making tool. The Spirii API delivers every data point relevant to operating a thriving charging business and allows you to do the necessary calculations to enable more data-driven decisions.


You find yourself doing a lot of manual tasks, like entering the same information into multiple systems or sending the same type of information to stakeholders on the same day each month.

Instead of spending precious time doing these repetitive jobs, our API makes it easy for developers to create automated solutions that handle the day-to-day stuff for you.

Example: Automating your customer onboarding flow

If you’ve already put a lot of effort into creating your own website to onboard your new customers, there’s no need to start from scratch. Instead, simply send all the relevant information from your website directly to the Spirii Business Platform.


No matter how hard you try to consolidate things, you seem to be swimming in systems– and you spend a lot of unnecessary time managing each one to make sure your data is consistent.

With the Spirii API, you can retrieve only the most relevant information for each use case, connect it to your third-party system(s), and push that information there.

For instance, you have financial data in your BI system, but it doesn’t include charging usage information. With the Spirii API, you can retrieve that information from our platform and push it to Power BI, creating a single source of truth.

Customer loyalty

You don’t know enough about your customers. It’s time to learn more about them, get insights into their behavior, and incentivize repeat visits through loyalty discounts.

Prerequisite: Branded app ⚠️

With a branded charging app, you’ll have access to information that you can use to better understand the charging patterns and drive loyalty of your EV drivers.

Business development

You’re looking to grow, but you’re unsure where or when you earn the most, which pricing strategies are working best, whether are your campaigns paying off or if your charging locations are fully optimized.

With the use of our API, you can collect bundles of relevant user and operational information to feed your decision-making – helping you push your business in the right direction without the guesswork.

Do you have a developer and a use case that Spirii API can help with? Get started!

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