The benefits of eMobility solutions: Everything you need to know

Join us for a deep dive into everything you need to know about eMobility, including industry challenges, driver benefits, and its potential to transform the planet…

Electric transport offers a cleaner, quieter, and more cost-effective alternative to fuel-powered solutions – so why doesn’t the whole world use electric vehicles already? And what’s coming next for the eMobility market?

Join us for a deep dive into everything you need to know about eMobility, including its potential to transform the planet…  

What is eMobility?  

eMobility is the catch-all term for any and all electricity-powered means of transportation – including public and personal transportation. That covers electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid vehicles, scooters, bikes, trucks, trains, buses, planes, and boats.  

But the term also encompasses the infrastructure that powers those vehicles; eMobility is also often used to describe the charging services and solutions behind the movement. Although the term is a relatively new one, eMobility solutions have actually been around for decades. Unbelievably, the first electric vehicle was actually invented way back in 1832! Now though, almost 200 years later, eMobility technology – including the necessary charging solutions and infrastructure – has reached a level of maturity that’s enabled it to become a mainstream solution. That’s moved in parallel with a growing environmental need for more efficient and sustainable transport solutions.

Today’s EV technology offers smoother driving, less maintenance, and the ability to ‘refuel’ in a immense variety of places – including at home. Businesses, meanwhile, can invest in eMobility services and charging to unlock new growth and sustainability opportunities.

eMobility in business: Simple setup, endless opportunity

In the business world, eMobility’s greatest strength is the omnipresent nature of electricity.  

Because electricity is supplied almost anywhere, it’s much easier to install charging stations for EVs than it is to set up refueling stations for traditional vehicles. That means that businesses – or really close to anyone with property – can install charging stations and contribute to the eMobility movement.   

There are tons of benefits to providing charging services, chief among which are that businesses can improve their sustainability credentials while also earning revenue from charging stations. All while attracting more customers that need charging services. For businesses with fleet activity, electric transport provides operational and time savings, thanks to the flexibility of EV tech. Workspaces, meanwhile, can offer charging services to guests and employees by placing charging stations in their office parking lot. In fact, outfitting parking spots with chargers has huge potential for a range of industries. Real estate, hotel, and accommodation bodies, for example, can give drivers the option to charge overnight, effectively turning one business model into two. In fact, eMobility encourages economic growth in most industries since the majority of industries rely on transport for products, customers, or employees.  

Besides the benefits to businesses themselves, though, any investment in charging infrastructure is a huge help to the average EV driver, as it increases their options for charging on an everyday basis.  

Why invest in EV charging solutions?  

The transition to electric transportation brings with it a raft of new business opportunities for investors looking for new ways to grow their business portfolios.

In 2022, EV sales grew 55% year on year and accounted for some 16% of all new car sales – figures which are only set to grow as new legislation makes petrol and diesel cars less tenable solutions. All of which makes investing in charging services a pretty future-proof opportunity.  

Without flexible and up-to-date transportation infrastructure, services and businesses will struggle to operate, but there’s an issue: switching to electric driving requires a change in habit, mindset, and (last but not least) capital. There’s some skepticism around, in other words. So it’s important to ask why investors would want to consider EV technology, what the real, tangible benefits are, and if eMobility’s green credentials even stack up.  

So let’s dive into that…

The advantages of eMobility tech  

So, hype aside, is eMobility actually more sustainable than fossil-fueled transport? Spoiler alert: yes!  

eMobility is currently our biggest, feasible chance to reduce the carbon emissions caused by transportation, which currently accounts for more than 25% of global CO2 emissions. In nations like the US, the transportation sector is actually responsible for almost 50% of the total energy produced. Replacing this infrastructure with eMobility solutions has significant CO2-saving benefits. If electric transport were implemented on a global scale it would result in a CO2 emission reduction of around 43%, and reduce oil demand by around 37%. Even beyond emissions and oil use, electrification of transport infrastructure itself – including things like transportation of fuel – could reduce energy demand by around 25%.  

But eMobility technology also boasts incredible energy optimization capabilities on a global scale. Smart, efficient charging technology allows businesses and drivers to limit their EV charging to specific times – for example when there’s a surplus, when the demand is low, or when electricity is being derived from sustainable sources like solar or wind power. These options help our energy consumption become greener and more efficient. In other words, smart charging technologies enable decreased consumption by utilizing naturally-produced energy better, and stop countries from having to ramp up their production of electricity during peak hours.  

Lastly, the ability for batteries to function as power storage, which can actually add energy back into the grid, is also on the rise. This means that EVs can decrease sustainable energy waste, and help balance demand. This will have an immense impact on our energy comsumption across the globe, when implemented.

Improved air quality  

One of the most important advantages of electrifying transportation and machinery is improved air quality and public health – particularly for people living in densely populated areas.    

Air pollution is one of our most serious global challenges. In fact, it’s been estimated that poor air quality was responsible for some 3 million death in 2015 alone, with the World Health Organization (WHO) listing it among the top 10 global health risks.  

Public transportation systems and services are crucial for cities and areas of rapid population growth, though, so implementing electric public transportation is imperative. eMobility in the public sector is the best solution here, as it can massively reduce the toxic emissions that cause air pollution.

Why isn’t eMobility already widely adopted?  

With so many advantages to eMobility, it’s easy to wonder why the industry is still so small in comparison to the traditional car industry. The short answer is that any meaningful change takes time, and that more investment – and more legislation – is needed in order for eMobility to become the mainstream option.

To make EVs the obvious choice, we need businesses, governments, and individuals to invest in the implementation of the necessary infrastructure. And, right now, the investment in charging is lacking.

One problem is that eMobility’s potential is not yet widely understood; many people simply don’t realize that eMobility can be easily implemented in a wide range of sectors and industries. The habitual changes that EV charging requires, meanwhile, can scare some drivers off. Many people worry about running out of power or not being able to find charging stations when they need them – and the relatively slow investment in charging infrastructure isn’t helping with these concerns.  

There are green shoots, though. Alongside changes in legislature, global challenges like climate change and energy shortages are making drivers and investors sit up and pay attention to the opportunities on offer from electric vehicles. Ultimately, these things just take a bit of time.  

What’s new in eMobility?

The potential of eMobility is immense. Besides the convenience and flexibility of the technology, we also know that it can decrease CO2 emissions, lower power supply issues, improve air quality, and create millions of new jobs. As the world becomes increasingly aware of these benefits, many governments are pushing for faster implementation of eMobility solutions. For instance, France has announced plans to ban the sale of diesel and gasoline cars by 2040. Similarly, China, India, Italy, the UK, and the Netherlands are all racing towards the same goal by 2030, while Norway has set an even earlier date of 2025.  

These government initiatives show the rising understanding of the potential e-Mobility solutions hold and the increasing global effort needed to create a more sustainable future.  

Curious about what it takes to offer quality charging services that keep any drivers content? Spirii provides a full-service platform to businesses – enabling anyone to build, operate, and grow their own charging solutions.

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