Let's talk pricing!

Set the prices for your charging locations. Build loyalty with vouchers. Flexibility at its core - Spirii Connect.

An ever-growing number of EV drivers is great news for charge point operators, but only if they know how best to adjust pricing in a way that benefits both their customers and their bottom line at the same time.

In this article, we’ll cover the key features that make Spirii Connect's pricing and tariff functionality a game-changer when it comes to monetizing your charging network more effectively, for maximum revenue. Let's go!

Fully flexible pricing

Having full flexibility when it comes to pricing is key for success in the EV charging business. Luckily, Spirii Connect is one of the EV market’s most pioneering platforms, offering total control over pricing at all charging locations, 24/7.

Using Spirii Connect, businesses can:

  • Create their own tariffs
  • Select any supported currency
  • Choose between Fixed or Dynamic Pricing (with rates taken from NordPool)
  • Apply tariffs to specific customers or chargers

One of the biggest recent updates to Spirii Connect is the introduction of Dynamic Pricing. This feature allows businesses to avoid losses by setting up percentage-based markups on the ever-fluctuating cost of electricity, using rates taken directly from NordPool.

That’s not just a nice-to-have; it’s crucial for maximizing your profitability. Our data shows that revenue can be as much as 3% higher for locations using Dynamic Pricing compared to those with fixed tariffs.

Vouchers: Set discounted price for selected user groups

Vouchers are a quick and easy way to set a unique, discounted price for a selected group of users. That might be your employees, guests, loyal customers, or anyone else that could benefit from a reduced rate.

But you can benefit too! Using vouchers as the basis for a rewards scheme can act as an incentive for users to use your chargers – driving positive change for both the environment and your business.

With Spirii Connect you can:

  • Create voucher groups for specific locations and users
  • Generate vouchers in bulk
  • Assign vouchers to specific users (which they can access via the Spirii Go app)
  • Set voucher pricing as Fixed or Dynamic

With an intelligent approach to features like Dynamic Pricing and vouchers, Spirii Connect can even aid you in incentivizing EV users to charge during off-peak hours and reduce the overall strain on the grid, as well as maximize your efficiency and the revenue.

In other words? Spirii Connect is the ace up your sleeve. It can help you effectively manage demand, create a fair pricing structure for EV users, and ensure that your business is always running at a profit.

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