2023 in Spirii

The eMobility market has accelerated faster than any year prior. With record-breaking numbers of electric vehicles (EVs) sold and chargers deployed, we're not just moving towards sustainability; we're racing there.

A Record-Breaking Year

The EV market experienced unparalleled growth this year, with an unprecedented number of EVs sold. The growth is mirrored by the expansion of charging infrastructure, making the transition to EVs accessible and convenient to more people and businesses across the world.

But it's not only about quantity, it's also about quality. Our advanced software solutions like flexible pricing tools, Demand Response, and Dynamic Load Management are driving a smarter, faster expansion of this infrastructure.  

At Spirii, we’ve also experienced immense growth this year. We are proud to have entered 6 new international markets with partners, and are now present in more than 18 international markets worldwide.

We’ve also witnessed an accelerated movement within the heavy transport sector and we're excited to be at the forefront, supporting numerous new partners as they develop high-capacity charging hubs, catering not only to their own fleets of trucks, vans, and buses but also to the general public, furthering the adoption of sustainable transportation solutions.

🎉 We have many more accomplishments to celebrate!

We won!! Global GreenTech Startup 🥇

A panel of seven industry experts honored Spirii as the Global GreenTech of the Year. Our EV charging platform, global partner network of EV charging stations and contribution to sustainable mobility across Europe stood out.

The jury highlighted, "Spirii's role in accelerating the transition to electric vehicles, a critical global market trend. Their solution simplifies EV charging and enables a smart shift towards sustainable transportation for all."

We extend our heartfelt thanks!

Hot Product Drops 2023

We've been innovating tirelessly. Here’s what we've rolled out this year:

Demand Response Services: Key to achieving Europe's net-zero goals, these services alleviate power grid stress and reduce the need for costly energy infrastructure upgrades. At the same it unlocks new revenue potentials for Charge Point Operators. Discover more in our interview with Torben Fog. Read More

Dynamic Load Management: Balances power distribution between charging stations and EVs, ensuring stable power supply and cost savings on infrastructure upgrades. Learn More

Enhanced Flexible Tariffs with Spot Pricing: This new tool allows CPOs to set fixed, dynamic or periodic pricing, kWh or minute fee, optimizing usage of charging stations. Now sitting under its own tab in the Spirii Connect platform, Enhanced Flexible Tariffs are really easy to use, with simple options for creating personalized tariffs. Curious to know more? Check out our webinar.

Standalone Payment Partnerships: Compliant solutions for new EU & UK credit card payment regulations.

Operations Center: Advanced live reporting for efficient and jedi-like troubleshooting.

Connector Status: A straightforward overview of every connector and charging session.

We take immense pride in offering a cutting-edge and tech-leading platform that also stands out for its reliability. Our services boast an impressive track record with over 99.9% Platform Uptime, making us one of the most dependable providers in the market.

Spirii Go - Empowering EV Drivers Globally

Probably the best charging app in the world.
At Spirii, we might be a bit partial, but we truly believe Spirii Go is an outstanding app for EV drivers. It offers seamless and intelligent charging solutions across borders. With our rapidly expanding partner network and access to over 350,000 roaming chargers throughout Europe, Spirii Go streamlines the entire process of navigation, charging, and payment for EV drivers.

Designed by EV drivers for EV drivers. We are aware of the unique challenges in the transition to electric vehicles, which is why we’ve dedicated ourselves to develop an app that addresses these challenges, ensuring that your journey from A to B is as smooth and effortless as possible 🚙.  

We’re proud to have +150% Growth in App Users

Expanding With New Partners

At Spirii, we're collaborating with some of the world's leading companies to expedite the shift to electric transportation. Our partners, spanning various industries, are actively deploying more than +1,200 chargers each month across Europe for charging their fleets, delivery vans, busses and trucks, employee cars, residents or just EV drivers in general. And for each kWh charged, we save CO2 and take one more step towards a net-zero future.

Together with our partners, we grow each day and here’s some awesome numbers:  

+150% Growth in Charge Points

1,000+ DCs Deployed, 4,200+ Committed.

+1,200 Chargers Added Monthly

+245% Growth in kWh Consumption

+100 Tons CO2 Saved Daily

Launching Our New Webinar Series

Embarking on a journey of knowledge and discovery, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our exclusive webinar series. These webinars aren't just about sharing industry and product insights; they're an avenue for us to engage, learn, and grow together. Each session is a curated experience, delving into the depths of industry insights, trends, and innovations. Rewatch previous webinars or sign-up for upcoming ones.

It’s the People that makes the difference

Now with over 110 dedicated team members, Spirii thrives on diversity and shared values. Our culture reflects a symphony of collaboration and respect. It's the people who truly differentiate a flourishing organization. With a wealth of diverse backgrounds, skills, and personalities, our team weaves a vibrant mosaic of perspectives. It's their collective commitment, enthusiasm, and common ethos that shape the distinctive culture at Spirii. Throughout the year, we've had the opportunity to engage in insightful conversations with many of our colleagues. Read more here.

Team Camp: A Spirii Get-Together 🏕️

Our trip to the sunny Island of Bornholm was a testament to our culture. At its core, a company's culture is a reflection of its people — a harmonious symphony of collaboration, mutual respect, and a shared drive toward a common goal. When we gather outside office walls, we transcend titles and roles, forging connections on a deeper level. Through shared experiences and moments of laughter, challenges, and a lot of dancing.

What a year !

And there is so much more to come in 2024. We can't wait to share all the things that are cooking.

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